Thank you for visiting our school’s website. We are very proud of our school, and are confident that once you get to know us, you too will share this pride.
We believe in the motto of, ‘Every child deserves a champion’ and we get ‘one chance at a child’s education and it should be the best’.
The children are our pride and joy at Langebaan Primary. We get a lot of satisfaction in sharing their successes and achievements.
We intend to consistently improve what and how we do things at our school. By being involved in every learners education and in what he or she does at school.
The staff members at our school are very passionate about their subject matter, the children, and their progress. High standards of work and dedication are demonstrated for the children to emulate. Many children are inspired by these examples.
The parents of our school are very supportive and we are very blessed with an active SMT and Governing Body. We hope that your search has produced the desired result.